Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday night

I was walking home today and this huge angry dog jumps at the fence right next to where I was walking and starts barking at me. I literally shat in my pants, screamed, and ran the fuck away. What kind of french person runs away from a caged dog? Oh no wait, I'm american, I do that.

I'm coming down with something.. My throat is all sore and numb, just in time for the SATs!!! I hope there are hot french boys to meet. Cause that's what the SATs are all about...

There's a new sya gossip girl. Great. It's nice stuff this time. I can't tell if it's the same person or not. I don't think it is because they didn't apologize. I don't know. At least they're not writing shit about anyone.

Other than that, nothing new in France. How interesting. Be jealous.

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